CorionX (CORX) is proud to announce it’s partnership with CoinMaketAlert — one of the best cryptocurrency portfolio tracker, price alerts and breaking news provider.

CorionX is a blockchain-based ERC20 utility token, globally available that creates the framework for education, expansion, and promotion for the usage of stablecoins, cryptocurrencies and DeFi globally, through the #MoneyInTheRightDirection Movement to succeed in the paradigm shift of how to use crypto as a digital and programmable money. Using CorionX utility token on a daily basis has many benefits through partnerships and whitelabel solutions. Token holders are rewarded 2.5% staking quarterly in the Loyalty Staking Program.
Corion Foundation — the backer of CorionX — was founded in 2016, with the aim of helping the development and spread of stablecoin and crypto usage in the world.
The Foundation’s aim is to encourage world-wide adoption of stablecoins and cryptocurrencies, and with it to help people gain access to swift, safe and cheap finance. Corion Foundation supports all initiatives that work on such developments and focuses on clients acquisition, education and infrastructure, as mainstream adoption is the Foundation’s main target.
CorionX community will get access for 1 month free Gold subscription to enjoy the benefits of CoinMarketAlert’s professional alerts and breaking news. The Gold subscription educates CorionX users to learn how to use professional alerts to take care of their investments and manage a portfolio in the digital investment world.
It is a tracking service for crypto currencies with an aggregated view of all coins and tokens using CoinMarketAlert portfolio infrastructure.
A CoinMarketAlert CryptocurrencyPortfolio contains all crypto assets, no matter where those were bought or where they are stored. Any coin or token that the user owns can be added and displayed with real-time market rates. The portfolio gives an overview of one’s style, risk tolerance, and key components of one’s market strategy.
The CoinMarkertAlert CryptoCurrency Portfolio offers the following benefits:
- Monitor Your Cryptocurrency portfolio value in real-time
- 7000+ Cryptocurrency coins and tokens
- Register the exchange and date of the purchase of the coin or token
- Keep Track of Your Asset’s Physical Location
- Get Cryptocurrency Portfolio alerts when your portfolio increases or decreases in value
- Get regular notifications on your portfolio value
- Receive a Weekly Portfolio Statement by email
- And Much More to come…
CorionX community can sign up for the 1 month free Gold subscription here using the
coupon code: lWUQAD.
Since 2018, CoinMarketAlert provides Crypto News, Price Alerts and Portfolio Tracking as a service to more than 25,000 crypto investors. This combination of products and services is tailored to attract and educate newcomers to the crypto world. By giving access to our tools and partner courses and applications, we aim to help the mass-adoption of cryptocurrencies.
Further to the recent announcement regarding the partnership of Corion Foundation, CoinMarketAlert is now also excited to officially announce the monitoring and alerts of CORX token.
This partnership is to increase crypto and stablecoins use-cases, so this will help millions of crypto communities to use CorionX and CoinMarketAlerts services worldwide. Corion Foundation will guide CoinMarketAlert with crypto savings, staking and DeFi, to provide a wider range of services to investors who are entering the market as newcomers. Both partners are based in Zug, and develop the vibrant global crypto economy out of Crypto Valley, Switzerland.
CorionX monitoring will be started by CoinMarketAlert after closing CorionX IEO token sale, which is taking place on ProBit Exchange.
This is an amazing opportunity for bothpartners to empower the crypto community to use professional portfolio management and alerts to their digital assets investments, and making cryptocurrency savings, investment more mainstream.
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“Stablecoins & DeFi #MoneyInTheRightDirection” Movement